Our Student Team

Left to right: Snowy, Caroline, Elizabeth, Hannah C, Hannah E

Hi everyone! We are students of International Public Relations and Global Communications at Cardiff University and are thrilled to have the opportunity to run a digital campaign for RCS Wales. We are excited to put our knowledge to good use, helping RCS Wales to raise awareness of their work and expand their influence.

Our campaign is centred around RCS Wales activities and initiatives, which have unfortunately come to a standstill due to the coronavirus pandemic. This is true of events throughout the entirety of the Commonwealth. We hope that by sharing pictures and stories of past events online, we can showcase RCS Wales’ commitment to improving the lives and prospects of all Commonwealth citizens.

We are a diverse group of students, representing three different countries: China, Wales and the USA. This form of multicultural collaboration has helped us to plan an effective campaign, as we represent a range of worldviews and each have different strengths – we consider ourselves to be truly representative of the values of the Commonwealth!

A Diverse & Dynamic Team

Snowy is from China and has great commercial awareness, which she developed while working at a financial PR agency for six months. Caroline, also from China, is our campaign’s camerawoman, having studied film production for 3 years. She plans to use footage she shot at the Flag Raising Ceremony on Commonwealth Day to create a Youtube video for RCS Wales! Elizabeth is also from China and has an undergraduate degree in finance, giving her a strong logical mindset. She also has a talent for website design which she has put to good use while redesigning RCS Wales’ website.

Hannah C and Hannah E were responsible for running the social media side of our campaign. Hannah C is from Wales and has a good understanding of UK culture, which has proved useful to the rest of the group. She has a degree in English Literature and has a keen interest in creating engaging written content. Hannah E is from the USA, gaining her undergraduate degree at Cardiff University and continuing on to MA study. She is a creative thinker with excellent communication skills and has produced some great ideas for our social media campaign.

We have really enjoyed working with RCS Wales and we look forward to finding out how our campaign will be received! We hope that we can make some real change by introducing more people throughout Wales to the Commonwealth’s mission – to improve the lives and prospects of commonwealth citizens around the world.